Hello to All!
Wow! This year is passing by rapidly! Four walks have already been completed. We want to thank Robert Diamond and Naomi Fryery for their countless hours of prayer and preparation to serve the pilgrims. On Walk #336, a Saturday night storm that could have created havoc with Candlelight actually turned into a blessing as the team members arranged for the entire Candlelight ceremony to be held in the Chapel. Another defeat for Satan as the pilgrims walked through rows of Emmaus members. Pilgrims and Emmaus members hugged each other without a drop of rain falling on them. To my knowledge, this was the first time the Candlelight ceremony had been done in this format on this campus. What a blessing it was!
Because storms and threating weather caused us to cancel the Gatherings for Walks #335 and #336 on April 18, 2019, we are combining that Gathering with the Gathering for Walks #337 and #338 to be held on Tuesday June 11, 2019 at6:30 PM in the Chapel.
Please continue to pray for the teams and pilgrims of Walk #337 and #338, led by Les Miles and Sonja Chrestman as their weekends approach in late May and early June.
By the time this newsletter is published online, you should have received a ballot for selection of the Class of 2022 Board Members for the North Mississippi Emmaus Community. Please send your vote back s soon as possible, but certainly no later than the deadline of June 8, 2019.
Currently our Emmaus database contains a large number of invalid applications (deceased, divorced, moved, no longer interested, etc.). This is filling our database and causing lay directors’ problems when filling their teams. We will soon start the process of purging our database to a more accurate size. An email will soon be sent to all Emmaus members with instructions on submitting a new application to work.
Our Board Members are listed in this newsletter and we are always ready to help in any way we can. Please remember us in your prayers as we try to follow the Lord’s will for this camp.
Kailey Burroughs
Chairman 2019