There’s nothing quite as exhilarating as preparing to work an Emmaus Walk. Oh, the ANTICIPATION! But in the middle of preparations for the team meetings and the actual walk itself, let’s remember to take care of ourselves mentally, physically and spiritually by staying close to our Lord. Dr. Charles Stanley says we need to HALT, an acronym reminding us never to let ourselves get too Hungry, too Angry, too Lonely or too Tired, for it’s in these moments when we are the most vulnerable to the enemy of our souls. Hebrews 10:22 encourages us to “draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings.”
As we come to the team meetings and the walks, let us come with that full assurance of faith which expresses itself in love. The last weekend in March, overnight team meetings for Walks #315 and #316 were held. Men and women selflessly left their families, their comfort zones, their free time and made investments into the kingdom of God to bond together as a team and to learn better how to serve the pilgrims they will be meeting in April. And this happens throughout the year in Emmaus as people from all walks of life leave their daily routines to come and serve so that others can experience the life-changing adventure of an Emmaus Walk.
If you have not yet committed to sponsoring someone this year, I hope this will be a high priority in your life and that you will promptly contact the person that the Holy Spirit lays on your heart.
As we seek to serve pilgrims throughout this year, let us also seek to serve one another and to make sure that no team member feels excluded, but very loved and appreciated. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony.” (Colossians 3:14 NLT)
Keep the prayers coming for all the upcoming walks, that we would be effective world changers for Christ, as we touch one pilgrim’s life at a time. April walks are: #315, led by Bill Taylor, April 20-23 and #316, led by Mary Frances Lolley, April 27-30. Please pray for the well-being and health of the pilgrims and their families, as well as for team members and their families.
We have so much to be thankful for. God has used Emmaus to bless so many lives. How humbling it is to realize that the Mighty God Creator can use and wants to use each of us in building His kingdom.
Please Note: Children are not permitted at Emmaus gatherings. Thank you for your cooperation.